About Us
Since 2016, we assist clients in achieving their goals in life by reprogramming the unconscious mind via hypnotherapy, personal NLP coaching and highly effective NLP based training programs. We have helped companies including multinational companies and established Malaysian companies to boost employees' productivity via upgrading their emotional resilience in order to maximise their return on investment and gain competitive advantage.
We also assist individuals through personal coaching and clinical therapy sessions to enrich their lives in personal emotion management, relationships, career and mental health.
Just like an iceberg, our conscious part is about 10% while the remaining 90% is the unconscious part of our mind. This normally hidden part of our mind governs our emotions, habits, beliefs, body immune system and long term memory.
When the old programs created in the past and stored in our unconscious mind no longer serve us, they normally affect us in a negative way. They can be old limiting habits and beliefs that are stopping us from achieving our goals or even old emotions that keep repeating themselves.
Improvement on physical or mental conditions could be achieved when communication with the unconscious mind is made possible.

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TV2 《前线视窗 - 回溯治疗·开启尘封的记忆》16/3/2021

TV2 《前线视窗 - 与潜意识对话》15/3/2021

NICK心灵聊天室 第32期 感恩

NICK心灵聊天室 第31期 - 那些医生检查不出来的痛

NICK 心灵聊天室 第30期 帮自己充电

NICK 心灵聊天室 第29期 如何在虎年心想事成

NICK 心灵聊天室 第28期 用精油改善焦虑

NICK心灵聊天室 第27期 自我催眠的力量
What Our Clients Say
male 30 yr old
"I was diagnosed by a psychologist for suffering from anxiety disorder. The solution was to take medicine, one that I did not want considering the side effects.
Through a friend's suggestion, I went to see Nick and had my first session of hypnotherapy. When I was undergoing the hypnotherapy session, I felt conscious while my body felt heavy. I understood what my hypnotherapy said and his instruction because they were very clean and clear. After my session, my head felt heavy but the feeling disappeared after a few days.
At first I was doubtful about hypnotherapy but after the first session where my hypnotherapist precisely identified my problem and the root causes, my feeling of fainting slowly reduced and disappeared shortly after that.
Thanks to Nick Ong who helped me so that I can live normally again. Although I still feel anxious sometimes but it has significantly reduced."
female 19 yr old
"My entire experience was eye opening. Undergoing hypnotherapy without any common knowledge of it and the process was intimidating at first but I immediately felt comfortable when the whole process began. I suffer from anxiety and being able to find out and understand the trigger does help with overcoming and healing from it.
After undergoing hypnotherapy, I did feel a sense of relief and a better understanding about how the conscious and unconscious mind play out in our heads. How it is being incorporated into how we are and act as a person. I was able to understand myself better after this experience.
There is still a lot of stigma about the idea of anxiety and I was somewhat ashamed of admitting that I suffer from it. However, after knowing and having a clearer knowledge about how my mind works and what factor triggers it, I realised it was a common thing that most people have. I was able to gain the knowledge about the correct techniques to prevent further attacks and how to manage it if ever I do find myself having one.
In general, it was a great experience and opportunity for me to discover myself better."
18-8-C, Gurney Tower,
Persiaran Gurney, 10250
Operation Hours
By appointment only
Mon - Sun: 10:00am - 06:00pm